After 3.5 years of an amazing collaboration between 13 partners from 9 European counties the Sustainable Energy Transition Laboratory (SENTINEL) project has been completed! The aim of the project was to create a new modelling framework, modular in structure, incorporating many separate models, which will look in detail at specific technological, geographic, and societal aspects […]
The final online event of the SENTINEL, project which took place on the 23rd of November 2022, was a great success, gathering not only stakeholders participating in previous SENTINEL events but also newcomers. The aim of the event was to present and discuss key insights about the options for a transition to climate neutrality in […]
In June 2022, the Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab) and the Decision Support Systems Laboratory (DSS Lab), in collaboration with the Public Power Company (PPC), co-organised a stakeholder workshop entitled “Pathways to climate neutrality in Europe with a spotlight in Greece: Challenges, uncertainties, solutions”. The workshop took place within the context of the European […]
Our new paper entitled “Eliciting knowledge from stakeholders to identify critical issues of the transition to climate neutrality in Greece, the Nordic Region, and the European Union” is now published at Elsevier’s Energy Research & Social Science journal! The article is produced by Nikos Kleanthis, Dr. Vassilis Stavrakas, Andrzej Ceglarz, Diana Süsser, Amanda Schibline, Johan […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has large societal and economic impacts and also affects the involvement of stakeholders in European sustainability research projects. The SENTINEL partners (IASS, RGI, TEESlab – UPRC) have developed a survey to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic crisis is affecting the stakeholder engagement activities, its outcomes and the stakeholder involvement in research in […]
Our TEESlab team and the Decision Support Systems Laboratory (DSS Lab), in collaboration with the Public Power Company (PPC), co-organised the workshop entitled “Pathways to climate neutrality in Europe with a spotlight in Greece: Challenges, uncertainties, solutions” on the 30th of June 2022 at Glyfada, Greece. The joint workshop took place within the framework of […]