The TEESlab – Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory participated in the 3rd General Assembly of the ENCLUDE project that took place on February 2, 2023 in Brussels. During the meeting, ENCLUDE partners gathered together to discuss the project’s progress over the past 18 months and to explore and plan the next steps concerning the ENCLUDE […]
The final online event of the SENTINEL, project which took place on the 23rd of November 2022, was a great success, gathering not only stakeholders participating in previous SENTINEL events but also newcomers. The aim of the event was to present and discuss key insights about the options for a transition to climate neutrality in […]
IAM COMPACT , our new project funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and innovation funding programme has officially kicked-off! Vision & aim: The project’s vision is to expand the modelling comfort zone to account for deep uncertainties and disruptive events or innovations. To do so, IAM COMPACT aims to support the assessment of […]
Mr. Vassilis Stavrakas, Senior Research Associate at the Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory(TEESlab) participated at this year’s Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) Conference (EMP-E 2021) and the Special Session ‘Making Energy Models more relevant for Policymaking’, to present along with SENTINEL colleagues from the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and the Renewables Grid […]
We are glad to inform you that our scientific article “Better suited or just more complex? On the fit between user needs and modeller-driven improvements of energy system models” has been published in the Elsevier’s “Energy” peer-reviewed journal. Energy system models are advancing rapidly. However, it is not clear whether models are becoming better, in […]
We are glad to inform you that our scientific article “Model-based policymaking or policy-based modelling? How energy models and energy policy interact” has been published in the Elsevier’s “Energy Research and Social Science” peer-reviewed journal. As energy models become more and more powerful, they are increasingly used to support energy policymaking. Although modelling has been […]