TIPPING+: Field visit at Megalopolis’ energy center!

The Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab), within the context of the Horizon 2020 TIPPING+ project, participated in a two-day trip at the Coal and Carbon Intensive Region of Megalopolis and the nearby capital of the regional unit, Tripoli.

During the two-day visit, we visited the natural gas and lignite units located in Megalopolis. We were able to meet with local stakeholders from the PPC S.A. and the Municipality of Megalopolis to discuss the economic and social aspects of decarbonization. We talked about the future of investments in the region aiming to increase local employment as well as critical challenges encountered during the implementation of the Just Transition Plan. Through this process we gained insights and also had the opportunity to discuss key findings of TIPPING+.

In addition, Dr. Alexandros Flamos presented the results of the TIPPING+ Greek case study in Megalopolis at the event “Combatting Energy Poverty – Just Energy Transition”, organised by POWERPOOR, Sustainable City, TIPPING+ and the Municipality of Tripoli. The presentation focused on showcasing our modelling outcomes from the DREEM model assessing 3️ scenarios for the energy transition of the residential heating sector of the region. In particular, we pointed out the tradeoff of using natural gas as an intermediate fuel, compared to promoting electrification from the beginning.

Our findings indicate that using electrification, renewable energy sources and implementing energy savings interventions could halve the final energy consumption, leading to 4 times lower emissions, increasing the sustainability of the energy transition in Megalopolis.

For more information about TIPPING+ visit here!
