The European Climate & Energy Modelling Forum Conference 2024 (ECEMP2024) was successfully held in Brussels (and online) on the 16th and 17th of October 2024. ECEMP2024 was dedicated to showcasing the latest policy-relevant findings derived from analyses of climate and energy models. The event also served as a meeting point to discuss latest research trends in developing collaborative modelling exercises.
The Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab) participated once again at this very impactful event that highlights energy transition scenarios for a climate neutral Europe. Our research associates, Dimitris Papantonis and Nikos Kleanthis presented the key outcomes from their research studies and engaged in meaningful discussions with energy modellers about policy measures and innovations for 2030 – 2040 and shared insights from modelling intercomparison in energy-climate transition analyses.
In particular, Dimitris Papantonis, representing the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP), presented his study entitled “Data-driven bottom-up demand-side management modelling towards integrated and smart renovation packages for efficient, sustainable, and inclusive energy use in real-life residential pilots across the European Union“ produced within the context of the EC-funded projects, FORTESIE and RENOVERTY. During his presentation he provided key data-driven insights and qualifications from the application of the DREEM model in real-life pilots. The presentation focused on the analysis of the cost-effectiveness of diverse portfolios of measures, emphasising economic viability, energy savings, and sustainability, with the aim to contribute to the development of integrated renovation packages in real-life pilot cases across different European countries.
Moreover, Nikos Kleanthis highlighted valuable insights from his study entitled “Combining long-term capacity planning with flexibility assessment to explore decarbonization pathways in the power sector” developed within the context of the EC-funded IAM COMPACT and ENCLUDE projects. The study explores the capacity and flexibility requirements of the transition to carbon neutrality by 2040 and the economic impacts of reducing reliance on natural gas in the Greek power sector. It introduces a bidirectional soft-linking approach between two open-source tools to generate long-term decarbonisation pathways and evaluate their feasibility towards reaching the targets of the Greek National Energy and Climate Plan.
The European Climate & Energy Modelling Forum Conference 2024 (ECEMP2024) was organized by the following EU funded projects under the Horizon Europe programme: iDesignRES, European Climate & Energy Modelling Forum, MOPO project and EFECT.
Huge thanks go to all organizers for bringing the ECEMP2024 Conference back to a physical event and making such a success! Looking forward to seeing you all again next year!