The Horizon 2020 PROSPECT+ project announces the 3rd learning cycle for cities, regions and local energy agencies to participate as mentees at the Capacity Building Programme (CBP). The Capacity Building Programme (CBP) offers mentoring and training on innovative financing schemes in five different areas: i. public buildings, ii. private buildings, iii. public lighting, iv. transport, […]
The PROSPECT+ project invites regional and local authorities, as well as the energy agencies that represent them, to apply as mentees in the 2nd learning cycle of the Capacity Building Programme. The Capacity Building Programme (CBP) focuses on innovative financing for energy and climate actions and is delivered upon the following 5 thematic areas: 1. […]
The PROSPECT+ project is organising an informative webinar on how local and regional authorities can accelerate the implementation of their climate and energy action plans when subsidies are limited. The webinar will dive into a variety of innovative financing instruments for public investments in sustainable energy and mobility. In addition, the PROSPECT+ Capacity Building Programme […]