The Horizon 2020 ENPOR project published its 5th Newsletter, focusing on the project’s latest news and events.. This issue presents our scientific publication entitled “How to improve energy efficiency policies to address energy poverty? Literature and stakeholder insights for private rented housing in Europe” published at Elsevier’s Energy Research & Social Science journal and written […]
Our new paper entitled “How to improve energy efficiency policies to address energy poverty? Literature and stakeholder insights for private rented housing in Europe” is now published at Elsevier’s Energy Research & Social Science journal! The article is produced by Dimitris Papantonis, Dimitra Tzani, Manon Burbidge, Dr. Vassilis Stavrakas, Stefan Bouzarovski, and Professor Dr. Alexandros […]
Mr. Dimitris Papantonis Research Associate in the Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab), has participated in the 3rd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science (ERSS), organised by Elsevier, presenting key findings from the ENPOR project with the special session: “Energy poverty in the European private rented sector: Findings from the ENPOR project”. ENPOR […]
Mr. Dimitris Papantonis, Research Associate in the Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab), has participated in the “Social Innovation in the Energy Transition” (SIET) Conference organised by the Technical University of Delft, co-presenting key findings in the panel “Energy Justice and Energy Democracy”, with the contribution “Setting the Scene for Tackling Energy Injustice in the […]
Mr. Dimitris Papantonis, Research Associate in the Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab), has participated in the Lunch Talk: “Energy Poverty in the PRS – Barriers and Solutions”, organised in the context of the EC-funded Horizon 2020 (H2020) project ENPOR, to present key findings from our Deliverable 2.1c “Structural Factors Impacting Energy Efficiency Policy Implementation […]
Alleviating the impact of energy poverty in the Private Rented Sector (PRS) is challenging. One of the main reasons for this is the difficulty to deliver energy efficiency measures to PRS households due to structural problems like information deficits, split incentives, and more. Our new ENPOR Report examines the structural barriers preventing investment in energy […]
The ENPOR Newsletter #2: Summer Edition has been released!. In this new version you can find information on: → How ENPOR engages stakeholders to support policy design and implementation. → New research results by the Report “What Prevents Energy Efficiency Policy Implementation in the European Private Rented Sector“? → ENPOR upcoming events and talks. → […]
The ENPOR Newsletter #1: Spring Edition has been released! Energy vulnerability (poverty) is a critical factor to consider within a fair energy transition. It must be addressed with adequate policies. The ENPOR Project increases the capacity of the decision-makers for understanding and mitigating its effects by designing and implementing ten policies. ENPOR will support the […]
Around 50 million households in the European Union (EU) are estimated to be living in energy poverty – or energy vulnerability, unable to afford the energy needed to adequately heat or cool their homes. This is caused by a combination of factors including high energy costs, low household incomes, and energy inefficient buildings, and can […]