Policymaking & energy efficiency: Presentation of results from a survey-based econometric analysis in the Greek residential sector

o What can technology ownership tell us about the adoption of energy efficiency measures?

o What is the effect of energy policy on observed technology ownership rates for different energy efficiency measures?

o How do lower-income households respond to subsidies?

Οur article entitled “Understanding technology ownership to reveal adoption trends for energy efficiency measures in the Greek residential sector”, now published in the Energy Policy journal, sheds light on these critical questions for the residential sector in Greece.

In particular, our works investigates existing ownership patterns of energy efficiency measures to reflect on future technology adoption trends, using a rich set of national survey data, coupled with discrete choice modeling, to analyze the key determinants of consumer behavior. The novelty of our article lies in the wide range of the variables included in the analysis, such as the energy conservation behaviour of consumers, the role of subsidies and support for vulnerable consumer groups, and households’ readiness for the uptake of smart home features.

Find the full article here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111413
