How would energy systems in different geographical contexts around Europe evolve in light of the goal of climate neutrality by 2050?

Our new report entitled “Model application in the case studies: challenges and lessons learnt”, produced within the context of the European Commission-funded Horizon 2020 project SENTINEL, has been published!

The aim of the report is to showcase the applicability and usefulness of the SENTINEL modelling suite in the context of three case studies in different geographical contexts: a. Continental (European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and some Balkan countries), b. Regional (Nordic countries), and c. National (Greece).

In particular, this report provides details on input data as well as model linkages and results, and serves two purposes: (i). detailed specifications for the application of the SENTINEL models in the context of policy-relevant scenarios and energy and climate targets, and (ii). answers to stakeholders’ critical research questions through scientific evidence from the SENTINEL models.

Modelling results provide several implications with regards to the power sector’s transformation, demand-side interventions, and sector coupling as well as the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the energy transition in all the three case studies.

? Find the full report here.
