New paper: Are there preferable capacity combinations of renewables and storage?

Our new paper entitled “Are there preferable capacity combinations of renewables and storage? Exploratory quantifications along various technology deployment pathways” produced within the context of the Horizon 2020 Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project is now published at Elsevier’s Energy Policy journal!

The paper examines how do different configurations of renewable energy capacity perform in terms of pledged renewable penetration targets, how much storage does each configuration require, and what is the cost intensity of each renewable plus storage build-out. Through soft-linking our STREEM and AIM models, we perform exploratory analysis of all possible pathways towards the 2030 milestone horizon in Greece identifying minimum requirements for the achievement of pledged renewable integration targets, minimum storage configurations, as well as best performing system designs.

? You can read and download our paper for free for the next 45 days here!
