TEESlab at the CINTRAN Academy Event!

The Technoeconomics Energy Systems laboratory – TEESlab participated at the CINTRAN Academy Event organised by ICLEI Europe and the Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia within the context of the Horizon 2020 CINTRAN project. The face-to-face capacity-building Academy Event took place in one of the focus regions of the project, Western Macedonia, on 5th-6th of October.

The aim of the meeting was to develop strong interaction, co-learning opportunities and chances for networking amongst all participants, as well as to find replicable solutions to mutual challenges. Participants were able to discuss and unpack coal+ regions’ self-defined top priorities in an interactive manner with key stakeholders from all four CINTRAN regions (Western Macedonia, Greece; Ida-Virumaa, Estonia; Rhineland, Germany; and Silesia, Poland) and many more all across Europe.

During the two-day meeting, different types of collaborative sessions were held such as diverse workshops, site visits, and roundtable discussions for participants to ask questions and brainstorm ideas relevant to challenges faced by coal+ regions.

Serafeim Michas, Research Associate at TEESlab, participated at the Event through showcasing results for transition pathways of the building heating sector of Megalopolis, a Greek focus region of the TIPPING+ project, a sister project to CINTRAN.

During the last day of the Event, participants were able to visit the West Macedonia Lignite Centre with a tour at the new lignite unit, the active mines and the reforested regions.

Learn more about the TIPPING+ project:

? https://tipping-plus.eu/home

Learn more about CINTRAN project:

? https://coaltransitions.org/projects/cintran/
