Innovating financing schemes: 5 handbooks to help cities improve energy performance

To complement their peer-learning initiative, the PROSPECT programme has released 5 thematic handbooks (tackling Public buildings, Private buildings, Transport, Public lightning and Cross-sectoral initiatives) aimed at referencing and explaining innovative financing schemes for cities’ sustainable energy and climate plans.

This set of publications reference funding methods from public institutions, the private sector but also from the civil society (e.g. crowdfunding). They include detailed features and processes to apply to, obtain or manage such funding opportunities.

The handbooks, even if originally designed to be used as resources for the peer-learning modules, can be useful even for cities or organizations that did not take part in the peer-learning modules. They are also filled with examples of good practices that are at the heart of their peer-learning programme.

The PROSPECT programme aims at enabling peer-to-peer learning to help regional and local authorities finance and implement their sustainable energy and climate action plans. This initiative is led by a diverse panel of consortium members and partners (both at the European and local level).

You have until the 15th of March to sign up for the 3rd and last engagement campaign of the PROSPECT peer-to-peer learning program, either as a mentor or as a mentee! Click here to learn more.

Links to the handbooks:
