Webinar: How to get support on energy efficiency policies (EED art. 7)? May 13 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm (CET)

ENSMOV – Enhancing the Implementation and Monitoring and Verification practices of Energy Saving Policies under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) – is a project financed under the programme Horizon 2020, aiming to provide support to Member States and their stakeholders to implement energy efficiency policies under EED art. 7.

This webinar is targeted to all stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of energy efficiency policies (i.e. policy makers, ministries, agencies, regional governments, etc.) and will:
• present the tools and actions provided by the ENSMOV team to support our stakeholders;
• introduce the project’s experience sharing and learning cycles of EU, regional and national events;
• illustrate some of the first outcomes of the project: what are the priorities according to the Member States’ stakeholders and a set of fact sheets dedicated to the main existing policies in each country at EU level.

Participation is free upon registration at the link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/754790949891734031

10.30 Introduction to the ENSMOV project, Vlasios Oikonomou – IEECP
11.00 Experience sharing: the three ENSMOV policy cycles, Livio De Chicchis – FIRE
11.15 What are the priorities according to our stakeholders, Bettina Reidlinger – Austrian Energy Agency
11.30 A mix of policies: some example from the Countries’ factsheets, Vlasios Oikonomou – IEECP
11.45 Q&A
12.00 End of the webinar
