The Horizon 2020 TIPPING+ project studied the transition of 20 coal- and carbon-intensive regions from 13 countries around the world, spanning to Europe, Asia, and North America.
This video focuses on Megalopolis, a Greek city largely dependent on lignite extraction and use for power generation since 1970. Megalopolis is highly affected by the ongoing transition of the Greek energy system in the framework of the implementation of the governmental lignite phase-out plan.
The video briefly describes the main results of our analysis and stakeholder engagement conducted within project about the Just Transition Plan, of Megalopolis. In particular, some key points of the video are:
- The shut-down of the lignite power plants in the city will lead to loss of jobs, and will have a negative impact at the city’s livelihood, such as the loss of lignite-fueled district heating network.
- The transition plan of Megalopolis includes the construction of 500MW of photovoltaics (directly fed to the grid) and the development of a natural gas distribution network.
- By covering 90% of the city’s electricity demand with direct solar energy, and using heat pumps, instead of natural gas for heating, could save households 1700€ per year.
- A “Green” rebranding with direct benefits for the citizens is possible, if electrification is promoted instead of transition fossil fuels for heating and renewable electricity is prioritized to the city.
You can watch the video here!
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