SRI2MARKET 2nd project meeting: Support integration of the SRI roll-out across EU!


The SRI2MARKET, funded by the LIFE programme, organised its second consortium meeting on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2023 in Vienna. The meeting brought together all project partners to discuss and review the progress of their activities so far and to point out significant developments regarding the integration of the Smar Readiness Indicator (SRI) to the national regulations.

During the first day of the meeting, Dimitra Tzani and Serafeim Michas, research associates at TEESlab, presented an analysis on the market and policy context related to SRI in the SRI2MARKET targeted MSs, namely Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Portugal and Spain, and provide insights from their first experiences with the SRI implementation.

Moving on, partners highlighted key actions that were implemented so far regarding the adaptation of the SRI calculation methodology to national specificities, the design of public funding schemes to finance SRI upgrades and the evaluation of alternative implementation paths for SRI certification.

The second day kicked off with presentations concerning the development of the SRI2MARKET platform to automate SRI assessments and guide SRI assessors as well as the set up of pilot campaigns at national level to collect best practices. In addition, partners explained the methodological framework to produce recommendations that aim to support decisions of building owners.

After presentations, the SRI2MARKET team discussed next steps towards the adaptation of the SRI calculation methodology to member states’ specificities, and its integration into national regulation.

For more information about SRI2MARKET visit the project’s website!