The Horizon 2020 ENPOR project, in collaboration with International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) and FEANTSA – the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless, is organising its final Conference entitled “Combatting energy poverty in Europe”. The event will take place on the 16th of November in Brussels.
The topic of the Conference is dedicated to the assessment of energy poverty within the European Private Rented Sector, encompassing an evaluation of existing EU policies and a forward-looking exploration of necessary enhancements.
The aim of the event is to bring together distinguished speakers from European institutions, research projects (such as EnergyMeasures, and ComAct) and the ENPOR pilot countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Greece, and Estonia) to discuss about the EU/national policy recommendations to increase energy efficiency in the Private Rented Sector. Furthermore, the session will evaluate existing policies and explore diverse tools, breakthrough initiatives and best practices to tackle energy poverty.
Register for free at the event through this link!
The full agenda of the event is available here!
Visit the project’s website for more information about ENPOR!