PROPSECT+ Αutumn recap: Explore our valuable contributions!


Two very impactful events took place during late September and early October and PROSPECT+ was there! Danai Sofia Exintaveloni, research associate at the Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab), participated at the Sustainable Places Conference 2024 and the 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns to showcase key project outcomes as well as valuable insights and lessons learnt.

The Sustainable Places Conferences 2024 took place on 23-25 September in Luxembourg and aimed to showcase and explore results coming out of EU Horizon 2020 and EU Horizon Europe projects on several topics including, among others, Energy Communities, Smart Cities and Urban Transition, Renewable Energy Technologies, Sustainable Construction & Renovation, Policy, Finance &Training aspects of the energy transition.

On the 24th of September, Danai Sofia Exintaveloni along with Giulia Viero from the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy Foundation (IEECP) presented key findings from the Horizon 2020 funded PROSPECT+ project during the “Fostering sustainable energy projects in cities and regions – lessons learnt and key takeaways from a peer-to-peer capacity building programme” session.

In particular, their presentation highlighted lessons learnt and key takeaways from the design and delivery of an impactful peer-to-peer learning programme specifically targeting local and regional authorities, provided insights on the barriers and drivers that these actors face during the implementation of their climate actions and pointed out relevant policy outcomes and recommendations.

The 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns took place on 1-3 October in Aalborg, Denmark and aimed to bring together experts and researchers across Europe to contribute to the sustainable transformation of cities and regions.

During the 1st day of the conference, Danai resented three tools developed under the PROSPECT+ project that aim to support local and regional authorities in their decision-making process.

Danai highlighted that through the development of the Recommendation – Decision Matrix tool, the Project Finance Readiness tool and the SYNERGISE+ tool, the PROSPECT+ team seeks to empower local governments and decision-makers to plan, finance and implement their sustainable and energy climate plans and actions in the most effective way.

Visit the project’s website for more information about PROSPECT+ and its upcoming activities.

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