The 5th International Exhibition “Verde.tec” on “Environmental Technologies” took place on the 17th to 19th March 2022 at the Mediterranean Exhibition Center.
The Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab) as a key academic actor in research around critical issues of the European and national energy system attended the Exhibition to present results about different renewable energy system buildouts. In particular, Professor Dr. Alexandros Flamos, Director of TEESlab, participated at a Workshop focusing on the mix of the Renewable Energy Sources in the energy planning. Panagiotis Ladadakos, President of the Hellenic Wind Energy Association HWEA/ELETAEN, moderated the discussions of the workshop among Professor Alexandros Flamos, Giorgos Caralis (PhD, National Technical University of Athens) and Giorgos Psarros (PhD, National Technical University of Athens).
During the workshop, Dr. Alexandros Flamos presented the results of our scientific publication entitled “Are there preferable capacity combinations of renewables and storage? Exploratory quantifications along various technology deployment pathways” that has been published at Elsevier’s Energy Policy Journal. The study explores how do different configurations of renewable energy capacity perform in terms of pledged renewable penetration targets, how much storage does each configuration require, and what is the cost intensity of each renewable plus storage build-out.
The study suggests that the proportion of wind and solar power is significantly affecting the timing and required capacity for storage, the potential for renewable electricity integration, as well as the costs needed for their achievement. Overall, the study demonstrates feasible pathways leading from the current status quo in Greece and towards the milestone horizon of 2030, concluding with key implications for policy and practice.
You can read the full study here.