New ENPOR report: Gender inequality in the European energy efficiency policies

A new report entitled “Gender dimension in European energy efficiency policy support and means to address it” has been produced within the context of the Horizon 2020 ENPOR project and has been recently made publicly available through Zenodo.

The report aims to bridge the knowledge gap regarding the presence and participation of women in academic and decision-making debates on energy justice and energy poverty. In particular, the report combines an in-depth review of academic and grey literature, an analysis of existing energy efficiency policies targeting the Private Rented Sector (PRS) and a primary scoping survey of stakeholders to generate a series of targeted policy recommendations to address the gender inequality in European energy efficiency policy.

This Deliverable is a result of the collaborative efforts of the Technoeconomics and Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab) and the University of Manchester!

Click here to read the full report!

Visit the project’s website for more information about ENPOR!
