This presentation provides insights into the results of the Horizon 2020 TRANSrisk project. The project investigated the costs, benefits, risks and uncertainties associated with feasible transition pathways for climate change mitigation policies. The project examined 14 case studies across different geographical regions and evaluated potential low-carbon transition pathways, determining barriers and opportunities for the deployment […]
This presentation explores measures to improve energy efficiency in the residential sector in Greece towards the achievement of the 2030 targets. The modelling exercise presented analyses 8 different Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs), including exterior wall insulation, roof insulation, windows replacement, lighting upgrade, smart thermostat installment, replacement of an old oil-fired boiler with a modern oil […]
This presentation showcases ways to couple small-scale PVs and storage technologies to generate additional revenues for consumers. A transdisciplinary modelling framework was applied to perform quick simulations as part of an iterative participatory process aiming to provide answers to “what if” scenarios for three different geographical contexts (Denmark, France, Greece). The study reveals a need […]
This presentation examines the impact of demand-response actions on thermal comfort and energy costs in the residential sector in Greece using the new Dynamic high-Resolution dEmand-sidE Management model (DREEM). The advantages of Demand-Side Management (DSM) modelling are presented in detail, followed by the novelties of the new model. DREEM is used to investigate the decarbonisation […]
This presentation focuses on analysing the Greek decentralised renewable energy generation and storage to discover a realistic pathway towards a low-carbon power system. The study examines scenarios of further deployment of small-scale PVs in Greece and reveals the need for more adaptive policy pathways through incorporating multiple stakeholders’ perspectives into modelling scenarios and visualising policy […]
This presentation examines how self-consumption and demand-flexibility can be brought into the Greek power market and showcases policies that can drive the transition of the power system. The study develops new Business Models (BMs) that incentivises all involved actors to incorporate demand-side flexibility into the markets that can valorise it. The results of the analysis […]
The presentation investigates the effectiveness of different policies to promote the deployment of small-scale PVs in Greece, namely the current net meeting scheme and a storage subsidisation scheme of 30% and one of 50%, in terms of new PV capacity installed. The study takes also into account different scenarios for the electricity retail price. The […]