Purpose Greece is a net importer of oil and gas and is among the most vulnerable countries of the European Union (EU) on energy supply disruptions. Furthermore, is considered a “crossroad” of existing and forthcoming infrastructure for importing energy to the EU. The purpose of this paper is the presentation of the web tool that […]
It has very often been stated that the difficulty and complexity of achieving green energy targets in the European Union (EU) will require strengthened measures to promote implementation of New Energy Technologies, Energy End-use Efficiency, as well as measures to support the related energy Research and Technology Development (RTD). Often forgotten is the fact, that […]
The (usually not professed) truth is that we are not destroying the planet due to lack of technology, but due to lack of application of technology. Indeed, opportunities exist for renewable energy technologies’ diffusion under the new climate change regime as they contribute to global sustainability through GHG mitigation and, they conform to national priorities […]
The purpose of technology transfer under the UNFCCC Article 4.5 is to “…promote, facilitate, and finance as appropriate the transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound technologies and know how to other Parties particularly Developing Country parties to enable them to implement the provisions of the Convention.” The key challenge in this respect is that […]
The enhancement of EU-GCC cooperation on energy issues could be significantly facilitated from the establishment and operation of an EU GGC clean energy network (EU-GCC CLEANERGY.NET). CLEANERGY.NET would have to act as a catalyst and a coordinator for EU-GCC energy cooperation on different levels: research, technology and industry, but also on the level of energy […]
Climate policy assessments often appear to lack a multi-analytical approach capable of considering different dimensions of sustainability during policy design. This paper presents an integrated assessment framework of climate policy instrument interactions by reconciling environmental, socio-economic, political, and institutional aspects for the initial stage of policy development. Selected interacting policy instruments are categorized into their […]
A new research agenda and ground breaking approaches should be adopted in order to overcome energy system inertia and pass through the current carbon constrained economy to new prosperous and more sustainable energy development paths. The wide consensus of the energy sector community (business, academic, policy, etc.) is considered a necessity for the success of […]
The two big challenges for this century are world poverty and climate change. The clean development mechanism (CDM) has the potential to address both, through integrated programmes that will be in compliance with the needs and objectives of the host countries. Actual practice shows that CDM technology transfer is focused on reducing emissions at the […]