This article presents the state of play and possibilities of Europan Union- Gulf Cooperation Council (EU-GCC) cooperation. Furthermore, it argues that the development of an EU-GCC “Clean Energy” Network of academic-research and business (commercial, industrial, etc.) entities may catalyze developments in the GCC in the field of clean energy. This would be achieved though the […]
Focal point of this review is to provide a comparative display of qualitative and quantitative methodologies employed for the appraisal of interacting energy and climate policies, underlying their key features while presenting the most critical issues and limitations not addressed so far. Qualitative approaches provide a descriptive explanatory analysis of often non-quantifiable process in policy […]
The 20-20-20 EU targets, the relevant Directives and especially the so-called Climate and Energy Package in 2009 have been quickly adopted in Greece causing structural changes in the country’s energy and climate policy over the last years. Moving towards and beyond 2020 targets, empirical insights need to be gained as to why policy instruments did […]
Robust strategic planning is considered crucial for the sustainability of the Greek energy sector, especially within the current highly volatile international environment. The application of multi-stakeholder foresight approaches facilitates the familiarization of key energy market players with the energy policy decision-making process. In this respect, aim of this article is the presentation of main foresight […]
In this article we present an application of the energy and climate policy Interactions (ECPI) decision support tool for qualitative ex-ante assessment of 21 combinations of energy policy instruments. Considering the weight given to each criterion of ECPI, we reached an overall result that policy instruments are considered quite fungible as regards their integration to […]
Although Gulf economic development has drawn much attention from international banks and consultancies, there is limited integrated research into the region’s long-term institutional and sectoral development and hence its long term geoeconomic significance. The aim of this article, is to point out the limited diversification of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies. For this purpose, six […]
Energy policy formulation is the process of identifying the policy options mixture with the greatest potential to achieve the long-term goals for an energy system’s economic and environmental performance. However, the impact of a policy option adopted today will be visible in a time frame that exceeds the decade. In fact, the longer the time […]
The paper aims to provide the prospects and challenges of cooperation concerning natural gas (NG) resources between the European Union (EU) and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), based on a “critical review” of the current state of the GCC region regarding NG production, consumption, trading movements, policy framework and existing/planned projects and programs for each GCC […]
Greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction projects implemented at European Union Member States in non-Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) sectors are referred to as domestic offset (DO) projects. The aim of this article is the presentation of DO projects implementation modalities, their interactions with subsidy programs and the analysis of impacts on their financial profile. This article argues […]
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present the Business Strategy Assessment Model (BSAM) approach, in an attempt to explore the principle dynamics of an energy‐economic system with emphasis on the private actors’ point of view and the impact different policy instruments may have on the decisions of private actors with different characteristics. Design/methodology/approach […]
Emission reduction activities in the European Union (EU) in- and outside the European Trading System (ETS) thus far have largely taken place separately. One possibility to combine the two is through linking Non-ETS offset project-based crediting schemes in the form of Joint Implementation or domestic offset (DO) projects with the EU ETS. Linking would allow […]
Next to energy efficiency, in the context of GHG reductions, additional policy mechanisms to the incumbent EU Emissions Trading scheme (EU ETS) are discussed. Such is the case of Non-ETS Domestic Offset (DO) schemes, which can reduce CO2-eq.emissions in the non-ETS sectors and trade these as CO2 credits on the ETS market. Taking into account […]