We are glad to inform you that our work entitled “A Comparison of Dispatchable RES Technoeconomics: Is There a Niche…
The first H2020 TIPPING+ report is out! The TIPPING+ Plan for Dissemination and Outreach of Results (PDOR) is now available,…
o How is the performance of energy markets affected by the different support mechanisms both in the short- and the…
The provisional version of “Snapshot of Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes in Europe (as of end 2019)” report, from the H2020…
ENSMOV – Enhancing the Implementation and Monitoring and Verification practices of Energy Saving Policies under Article 7 of the Energy…
We are glad to inform you that our team has participated in the ““??????????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ???…
o What can technology ownership tell us about the adoption of energy efficiency measures? o What is the effect of…
Dear readers please consider responding to our short survey. In the PROSPECT H2020 project we have examined the needs for…
We are glad to inform you that our article entitled “A transdisciplinary modeling framework for the participatory design of dynamic…
Proper green financing is of the utmost importance for local energy and climate projects. However, HOW you identify the best…
We are glad to inform you that our article entitled “A modular high-resolution demand-side management model to quantify benefits of…
The H2020 PROSPECT project will organise the workshop “Smart financing: unlocking the local energy transition” on the 5th of March…