The EU funded TIPPING+ project is coming to an end and is organising its Final Conference on Thursday 15th of June at Brussels!
The aim of the event is to gather researchers, stakeholders and policy-makers that are involved in the energy transition and decarbonisation of Coal and Carbon intensive regions and present the most recent results regarding the project’s case studies.
The conference is an opportunity to share experiences and lessons learnt on regional decarbonisation process and explore factors affecting Social-Ecological Tipping Points (SETPs) towards clean energy transition. Our team will present key results from the case studies and will provide insights on how to accelerate just sustainable structural change in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions in times of global uncertainties.
The speakers will address tensions, between narratives and policies focusing on sectoral tipping points and full-system transformations and engage participants in conversations focused on: How far regional, national or EU policy makers do want to go towards enacting full-systems transformations (transformative tipping points)? Or else, implement sectorial, partial approaches to energy transitions (sectoral tipping points)? Can both approaches be combined?
You can register here and attend the event both virtually and in person!