The current report aims to identify the main energy efficiency (EE) sectors, project categories, as well as the main risks and barriers that affect the successful implementation of EE projects and their ability to get financed. It focuses on the financial bodies’ perspective and on the development phase, where numerous EE project ideas and available capital to realize these projects exist. Moreover, it aims to cover the gaps identified in EE and sustainable financing and propose an approach for assessing the risks in EE investments. Finally, the key risk mitigation strategies for reducing the different types of risks, the main financing instruments, and financing programs for implementing EE investments are presented.

To identify the main risks existent in EE investments, a literature review in EU Taxonomy, EU sustainable financing, and other EE financing projects, scientific papers and working documents from key players of the financing sector, such as World Bank, Deloitte, ADBI, etc. was implemented. Risks reported by similar EE financing projects and studies, focusing on assessing the risks of EE projects, were highly considered. The rest of collected risks were subsequently filtered and classified into categories by evaluating them on the following set of criteria: (i) frequency of occurrence, (ii) minimization of overlaps, (iii) capacity to be quantified. Moreover, literature reviews were conducted for risk mitigation strategies with reference to the identified risks, financing instruments, and financing programs.