The first round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as well as currently implemented climate policies are not on track to meeting the Paris Agreement’s objectives. Parties are expected to increase their ambition and produce new NDCs covering the post-2030 period. The design of a multi-dimensional set of policy measures that comprise countries’ climate policy agendas is supported by equally diverse integrated assessment modelling activities.
IAM COMPACT will exploit the knowledge produced in recent and ongoing research projects orienting on use and development of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), to support the assessment of global climate goals, progress, and feasibility space, as well as the design of the next round of NDCs and policy planning beyond 2030 for the EU, major emitters, and non-high-income countries. The project will use a diverse ensemble of national and global IAMs, other sectoral models, and insights from social and political sciences and operations research and integrate different bodies of knowledge, to co-design the research process and enhance its policy relevance, transparency, and robustness. The ambition of the project is to expand the modelling comfort zone to account for deep uncertainties and disruptive events or innovations.
Budget: ~4.5 Μ. Euros
Duration: 2022-2025
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The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101056306.