Enhancing the Implementation and Monitoring and Verification practices of Energy Saving Policies under Article 7 of the EED

ENSMOV will support public authorities and key stakeholders in 14 EU Member States represented by its consortium in implementing the Article 7 EED requirements. More specifically it will assist them to monitor, improve and complement the design and implementation of their energy efficiency policies by developing resources on practical issues they face. As the implementation of Article 7 EED has shown, public authorities have limited time and resources to share experiences at the EU level, even though the opportunity to do so is very welcome. To find implementation challenges and solutions for energy efficiency obligations (EEOs) and alternative measures, as well as, monitoring and verification (MRV) schemes, ENSMOV has designed an experience sharing programme with a structured set of national, regional and EU workshops to address Article 7 EED requirements. These exchanges are underpinned by technical support to ensure that experience sharing results in positive impacts and actual improvements in policy implementation and monitoring. An important tool for active engagement of public authorities will be the Knowledge Transfer Platform, designed to enable discussion on Article 7 EED implementation issues (updated ENSPOL platform http://www.article7eed.eu). Considering the above, ENSMOV aims to lead to a smoother transition in the new Article 7 EED era.

Budget: ~1.5 M. Euro

Duration: 2019-2022

More information: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/840034