After three years of an amazing collaboration between 10 European partners, the Horizon 2020 ENERGee Watch project has come to an end.
The key aim of the project was to launch a peer-to-peer (P2P) learning programme designed for local and regional authorities as well as their energy agencies, to enable the timely monitoring, reporting, verification and dissemination of participant’s climate and energy data via their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). In addition, the project aimed to allow the transfer of knowledge and sharing of practical examples among peers, while encouraging them to build partnerships and mutual understanding within an intra-European network.
In particular, the ENERGee Watch learning programme consisted of 4 different courses: 1: Energy data collection (acquisition and treatment), 2: Monitoring, reporting, verification: follow up on implementation of actions, 3: Indicators and strategies on adaptation to climate change, 4: Data display, dissemination and validation by end users

All of them were delivered within 3 learning cycles by experienced mentors coming from 4 European energy and climate agencies. In total, seventy (70) representatives from sixty (60) local and regional authorities and energy agencies around Europe joined the ENERGee Watch peer-to-peer learning programme and increased their awareness of and capacity in MRV practices for the purpose of creating better policies and sustainable action plans.
Alongside the mentoring sessions, a number of additional replication activities took place near the closing phase of the project. These included 10 national replication events, organised by partnering energy agencies in national languages, and 4 EU replication webinars, hosted as online crash courses of the P2P programme in May 2023.
In total, approximately 400 people from around 200 organisations within and beyond the EU joined the project activities.
Next to that, an online database of 55 MRV best practices relating to the 4 ENERGee Watch courses, has been created and made publicly available via the project’s website. All of them were carefully selected throughout the project’s duration, drawing from all participants, mentees and project partners hands-on experiences, and are meant to serve as testbeds for innovation to enable other EU cities to follow suit in the future.
Overall, the ENERGee Watch learning programme and its learning exchanges, which were effective in supporting the successful technical know-how transfer and the identification of a compendium of replicable MRV practices, were highly valued by all its participants. A series of surveys carried out to assess its performance as well as participants’ needs and experiences reaffirm such a conclusion, while highlighting a number of useful lessons learned and takeaways, which if well considered will open a new window of opportunity for similar initiatives and support structures in the near future. For all of them, ENERGee Watch intends to make a good example, leading the way on how to bring into life a targeted P2P learning programme for cities and regions that need guidance regarding their energy and climate data.
Useful links for the ENERGee Watch project:
- Website
- Social Media channels (Twitter and YouTube)
- ENERGee Watch learning platform
- Best practices
- Reports and deliverables
- Final publishable report