PROSPECT+, building on the previous H2020 project PROSPECT, will enable capacity building in regional and local authorities in order to finance and implement effective and efficient sustainable energy plans, including their proper monitoring and verification and also ensuring that such plans are using synergies from other local plans. The project will develop a learning programme that will be repeated four times (4 learning cycles) to enable cities to choose the best time for them to join the programme and will advance through 5 learning modules covering (i). public buildings, (ii). private buildings, (iii). public lighting, (iv). transport, and (v). cross-sectoral topics. PROSPECT+ will focus on improving decision-making of cities in project selection for financing and assessment to ensure that their projects are finance ready. The ambition of the project is to ensure that over 200 EU cities in at least 20 EU Member States will improve their capacities when it comes to implementing projects from sustainable energy and climate action plans (SECAPs) and similar sustainable plans.
Budget: ~2.2 Μ. Euros
Duration: 2021-2025
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The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101023271.