Who We Are

We are an independent research unit at the University of Piraeus (UNIPI), working in the fields of energy system modelling, policy analysis, and technoeconomic assessment of energy systems.

Our team of highly skilled experts including engineers, economists and social scientists conduct interdisciplinary research towards a just and inclusive energy transition.

The Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab) was established in 2013 and it is subjected to the University of Piraeus Research Centre (UPRC).

What We Do and How

We mainly participate in research projects funded by the European Commission’s research and innovation programmes (HORIZON 2020, Horizon Europe, LIFE Programme) and other funding agencies (e.g., the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)).

By employing both quantitative and qualitative techniques, we develop innovative and sustainable business models, and we study critical issues of the transition to climate neutrality by 2050.

In the last years, we have developed several tools, among which one Modelling suite, the TEEM suite, that allows users to perform quick participatory simulations aiming to provide answers to many “what if” scenarios and to complex research questions.

The TEEM suite is comprised of four high-resolution energy system simulation models: i. ATOM, ii. BSAM, iii. DREEM and iv. STREEM and the AIM, a decision & support plug-in toolbox. All these tools can be coupled to other existing models.


Our mission is to address real-world problems to support a wide spectrum of stakeholders and end-users, including the actual policymaking world (from regional and national governments to the European Commission), the energy industry, the academia, and citizens.

Our solution-oriented attitude acts as the core element towards the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge and the provision of useful, pragmatic, and evidence-based guidance to our clients.