Watch our brand-new video about the Dynamic high-Resolution dEmand-sidE Management (DREEM) model!

Our TEESlab – Technoeconomics Energy Systems laboratory has just released a new video presenting the Dynamic high-Resolution dEmand-sidE Management (DREEM) model, a  fully-integrated energy demand and demand-side management simulation model in the building sector.

DREEM expands the computational capabilities of existing Building Energy System and demand-side models, by, not only calculating energy demand, but by also assessing the benefits and limitations of demand-flexibility, primarily for end-users (consumers/citizens), and, for other power actors involved (energy suppliers/retailers).

The novelty of the DREEM model lies in its potential to be used in a wide range of applications, not only to assess the existing technological infrastructure, but also to support the development of business models and regulatory innovations, which maximise the value of such energy products & services, and monetise them, to fairly compensate end-users and other energy actors.

The key characteristics of the DREEM model are summarized below:

  • Embodies key features towards the simulation of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other demand-flexibility actions, like demand response, in the building sector.
  • Builds on the concept of modularity consisting of multiple components, each of which is composed of additional modules, allowing for more flexibility in terms of possible system configurations and computational efficiency towards a wide range of scenarios, to study different aspects of end-use and energy transition.
  • Provides the ability to incorporate future technological breakthroughs in a detailed manner, such as the inclusion of heat pumps, or electric vehicles, in view of energy transitions envisioning the full electrification of the heating and transport sectors.
  • Produces outputs for a group of buildings, for example a neighbourhood, a district, a municipality, or an energy community.
  • Serves as a basis for modelling domestic energy demand within the broader field of local, regional, and national energy systems in different geographical/climate and socioeconomic contexts.

DREEM is currently applied and further developed in multiple European Commission-funded Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, and LIFE projects (ENCLUDE, RENOVERTY, IAM COMPACT, INHERIT, ENSMOV Plus, etc.).

Watch the video here!
