RENOVERTY project: Home Renovation Roadmaps to Address Energy Poverty in Vulnerable Rural Districts

Our new LIFE funded RENOVERTY project officially kicked-off last week at Brussels! The project is funded by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and the European Commission’s Life Programme and coordinated by the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP).

The aim of the project is to foster energy efficiency building upgrades in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)/Southeastern Europe (SEE) countries, as well as Southern European countries (SE), by setting the methodological and practical frame to build renovation roadmaps of vulnerable rural districts in a financially viable and socially just manner.

The Consortium brings together 11 partners with significant experience in the field of energy efficiency and energy poverty and with well-established communication channels with relevant stakeholders.

During the kick-off meeting a detailed overview of the Tasks and activities related to each Work Package (WP) was provided while the main role of each one of the project’s partners was, also, analysed.

The Technoeconomics Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab) will be mainly responsible for:

  • Providing an up-to-date framework of energy poverty in the rural and suburban contexts.
  • Developing optimized energy efficiency portfolios for addressing energy poor households in the regions under study.
  • Building a solid policy framework which will support the implementation of the developed renovation roadmaps for energy poor in the selected pilot areas, as well as at the regional and national levels.
  • Integrating the RENOVERTY activities within the EU level policy dialogue and initiatives on energy poverty.

Overall, the project will contribute to minimizing logistical, financial, administrative, and legal burdens caused by a complex and multi-stakeholder home renovation process and ensuring that building retrofits consider the social dimension by incorporating security, comfort, and improved accessibility for citizens to further improve the quality of life of the vulnerable population.

Stay tuned for more information and updates about RENOVERTY!
