The first H2020 TIPPING+ report is out! The TIPPING+ Plan for Dissemination and Outreach of Results (PDOR) is now available, totally adjusted to the new reality after the COVID-19 outbreak.
The overall goal of TIPPING+ is to understand why and under which conditions a given social-ecological regional system heavily dependent on coal and carbon-intensive activities may flip into a low-carbon, clean energy development trajectory – or on the contrary may fall into an opposite trajectory with all its negative implications.
This report provides an overview of a multitude of activities and communication tools that have been or will be developed, to establish the project’s identity and share its scope, results and outcomes to the TIPPING+ audience.
The PDOR also provides guidelines to facilitate all consortium partners’ engagement to the dissemination and outreach activities of the project, and presents the system that has been set up in order to monitor the dissemination and outreach progress.
The PDOR will be updated annually in order to report and assess the dissemination and outreach activities and apply adjustments to the plan, if necessary.
You can download the report here