2nd Learning Cycle for ENERGee Watch: Applications are open!

The call for mentees for the 2nd learning cycle of ENERGee Watch’s learning program is now open!

If you are representative of regional and local authorities and/or energy agencies, you can now learn from your experienced peers how to timely and accurately define, monitor and verify your sustainable actions. In particular, you will be trained into developing your knowledge and skills based on the following 4 topics:

  • Data Collection (acquisition and treatment)
  • Monitoring, Reporting, Verification
  • Indicators and strategies on adaptation to Climate Change
  • Data display, dissemination and validation by local authorities

For more detailed information about the courses provided and how you can benefit, visit here.

Apply now to become a mentee at the ENERGee Watch peer-to-peer learning program!

The applications will be open until 18 March 2022!

You can meet your mentors by clicking here ?

? Visit the project’s website for information about ENERGee Watch!
