TRANSrisk Policy Lunch “Paris in Practice: Understanding the Risks and Uncertainties”, 6 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

TRANSrisk will host its Policy Lunch “Paris in Practice: Understanding the Risks and Uncertainties” on November 6th 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The event will summarise the work carried out in the 3 years of TRANSrisk’s implementation and present its major outcomes.

More particularly, the event will explore how the countries of the European Union can make the transition towards zero or even negative emissions, as envisaged by 2015’s Paris Agreement, with help of a better understanding of the risks and uncertainties this transition entails. We will present new tools and techniques that can help develop robust, effective climate policy.

Risks and uncertainties relate to the possible consequences of climate policies for our economies, environment and society, as well as the risk that climate solutions cannot be implemented due to unforeseen constraints. While risks and uncertainties affect all areas of policymaking, the sheer scale of the transition needed to hit 2050 climate targets means that even unlikely risks and small uncertainties can have an enormous impact on the success of a low carbon transition. Understanding and mitigating risks and uncertainties is therefore of key importance to effective, robust, climate policy. In addition, there can also be uncertainty about potential opportunities or co-benefits, which was also considered in TRANSrisk’s analysis.

Our results will help inform more effective climate change policy, which is directly relevant for implementation of the Paris Agreement. Not only does the TRANSrisk toolbox support countries in formulating Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), it also helps to scale up the ambitions of future NDCs, in support of the Global Stocktake.

Please RSVP with your name, position and organisation to If you are unable to attend, please feel free to share the invitation with colleagues.

Find more on the event here.
